Friday, April 2, 2010

what a wonderful fucking day

Today, I have done nothing. It's only a little after 4 though, maybe I will get something done before 5. But probably not. The stack of stuff on my desk can wait until Monday, because honestly, Monday's outlook is about as shitastic. I really just want to get home and put sweats on immediately and read the rest of this book I am on. And possibly stream Lost from Netflix on my iMac.

So far today, I have eaten 3 fucking oatmeal raisin cookies. Why? Because the lovelies in my office decide my desk is a good "communal area" which is a term I use loosely because whatever crap they put there is generally within arm's reach. I don't even have to look, my hand has a magnet for cookies and candy. But I guess it's the only time of the week I eat any shit. I never buy myself unhealthy stuff. I actually take quite good care of myself, being a vegetarian and riding my bike and all. Hell maybe after I die someone will plant a tree in my honor.

What is today's blog about? Still figuring that one out. I guess I am reading again? Trying my hand at actual fiction. I never liked fiction. I know... I know that you're supposed to get some sort of life lesson out of a non-sucking fiction book, but true stories are just so much more interesting to me. And I love science, so I read a lot of sciencey stuff. So I read The Sun Also Rises. Want to know what I thought about it? I thought it was a lot of god damned dialogue, and the moral of the story is that Brett chick was a hooker. Don't hang out with hookers, they will break your heart.

I just started reading Kurt Vonnegut's Hocus Pocus. Not sure what I think about it yet, but I will let you know tomorrow when I am done with it.

I dropped the last quarter of my oatmeal raisin cookie on the floor. Woe is me. Also, I can't type using my bandaged left index finger and I have a huge bruise on the side of my skull right above my ear. You would think I would have knocked myself out with how hard I rammed into that fucking cabinet. Shit. I would at least feel like I had a cooler story to tell if I knocked myself out.

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