Monday, November 22, 2010


Aaaahhhh Thanksgiving week. Easily my favorite week of the year since I get off Thursday AND Friday. This week is especially awesome because I am seeing all my family on Thursday, all my friends on Friday, and then leaving ass early in the morning on Saturday to my FAVORITE TWO FUCKING PLACES IN THE ENTIRE WORLD... Seattle and Vancouver, BC. We are going to spend three nights in Seattle and one night in Vancouver. My friend Anne is coming on the trip with me; she is the friend who went with me to New York City in 2009, and also my only friend who could take that much time off and carries a passport. I plan on meeting at least 10 men of my dreams during that week. Maybe I will marry a Canadian. I swear to god all the men in Vancouver are hot as shit. They are all tall, kinda pale, dark hair, black glasses, dress kind of nerdy, and nobody is fat. Seriously, no fat people in Canada. I think it's a law.

So, in the meantime, as I am writing this blog, I am wracking my brain at the intense amount of homework I have to do between now and Wednesday. You see, I have a 4.0, which has been CRAZY HARD to manage this past four years that I have actively been going to college. I am SO OVER IT. I am SOOO fucking over class and the annoying people in my classes and doing homework every night and not being able to enjoy any free time. I have an oral report due for my death and dying class, a paper on environmental health and its effects on asthma, a whole bunch of homework to catch up on for math, and at least 4 more exams. BARF! But, as everyone says, "you will be happy you got it out of the way now instead of later." And these people are right. Hell none of my friends have really finished school or even take my school schedule seriously. This makes me want to lag on my homework and my other priorities like doing dishes and shit. Only three more weeks and then I only have two more actual classes that I need to get out of the way to BE DONE WITH SAC CITY!!!! Do you have any idea how excited I am? I am still in my dilemma of whether or not I should switch my major to something practical instead of art. I could always do art on the side and keep my cushiony state job.

I guess I should thank god it's getting into winter. Nobody goes out in the winter. I plan on drinking shitloads of coffee and reading about 10 books I have looming over me on my bookshelf. Speaking of bookshelf, I need a new one. And a new dining room table. I digress.

Anyway, on to my favorite season of the year... winter. Aaahhhhh winter. Thanksgiving with my family will be great like always, we will stuff ourselves until we can't move, and sleep in the next day while all the crazies are off stampeding Walmarts across America. I don't understand that sort of material obsessing. Then I will make me way to Target and buy some Christmas lights and maybe a plastic tree, so I can put it up in my window of my apartment. I am not religious, AT ALL, actually vehemently opposed to organized religion, but man, do I love me some Christmas season. I think I actually appreciate it more now that I don't work in retail. Also I really, REALLY love Christmas music. Especially Sufjan Stevens' stuff. Soooo good. And I love the rain. I love layering my clothing and piling all the covers on top of me and not wanting to get out of bed in the morning. I love getting together with family and enjoying the season of giving. I love any holiday, really, that involves eating.

For Christmas this year I think I want gift certificates to bike shops so I can get some work done on my bike that I have been putting off for the last year. I need new rims, tires, handlebars, stem, grip tape, flip the back wheel, and take off a brake. YEP, that right there my friends will cost a good couple hundo. Want to donate to the fix Mandie's bike fund? All donations welcome. I could also use some new winter clothes, especially a new pair of tall brown boots. MMMMM I love boots.

They're decorating the Christmas tree at the Capitol this week. They will probably light it up the first week of December.

Time flies, everyone. Love as much as you can! I love everyone :)


  1. I have to catch a flight to Arizona (to see my husband's family that we barely know and see less than once year) on Thanksgiving morning and we return the morning after. I'm basically going to AZ long enough to stuff some food in my face, nap, and get back on the plane.


  2. aahhh damn that is crazy, only one day?
