Wednesday, October 20, 2010


If you know me or pretend to know me or if you would like to know me, you should know that I am really, REALLY into post-rock, ambient music. The more heavy and instrumental, the better. Maybe it's because I have been in full-time school for the better part of the last four years or maybe it's because my poor brain just can't process anything else anymore and everything ends up sounding like a dying animal or a car accident. So I am here, today, to unveil to you some good instrumental, post-rock, or ambient bands that I have been listening to for years and years.

Album Leaf
Unwed Sailor
Sigur Ros
Explosions in the Sky
Stars of the Lid
Godspeed you black emperor
Unwed Sailor
Do Make Say Think
Mice Parade
This Will Destroy You
Zoe Keating

Enjoy my dears. I hope your ears thank you as much as mine have over the years. I am still cynical, though. So if you're hoping your cynicism will be cured... think again.

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